Tiny Festival de Film
The Goodwill Film Festival
April 1-10, 2022
We imagined a new kind of Film festival.
A week to make films
10 days to savor the cinema
1 celebration weekend
From Saturday at 12 noon to the following Saturday at 12 noon, 7 days, 168 hours to make a film.
There is only one condition: shoot and edit all the shots of the film, at the Goodwill farm, in Dordogne, or in New Aquitaine, in 1 week.
The films made during the competition will then be viewed with kindness, by the members of the jury and the public, on the last weekend of the festival.
A Tiny Festival
Like all our Tiny Festivals, the number of places on the farm, whether for competitors or spectators, will be very limited, so it is important to reserve your places as early as possible.
But as we want the greatest number of people to be able, despite the small size of the farm, to enjoy this festival, the ceremonies, the Master Classes, and of course the films made during the competition will be broadcast on the internet.
To enjoy movies
Évidemment, pendant que les équipes en compétition seront occupées à réaliser leurs films, nous savourerons des films, dans les différents espaces de projection de la ferme. (intérieur, couvert et extérieur )
Nous sélectionnerons avec vous, via des sondages sur Internet, des films, déjà sortis en salle, ayant un rapport avec le monde rural.
Et qui sait, peut-être aurons nous aussi la chance d'avoir des films inédits. En tous cas, on va essayer.
(comme toujours, à la ferme, le pop-corn sera gratuit 😉 )
To talk about Cinema
The members of the Jury will share their experiences through the Master Class.
We will keep you informed as the organization evolves.
To learn
As always at Goodwill Farm, we will organize knowledge-sharing workshops to benefit from the experience of professionals and test new techniques and new materials.
We will keep you informed as the organization evolves.
To realize
The hardest part is not to succeed, but to dare to start without fear of not succeeding the first time.
6 teams will have 1 week to try to make a film.
It doesn't matter if it's a success or a failure, the important thing is to try.
All the resources of the farm and our partners will be at the disposal of the teams to help them, with kindness.
It's not too early to think about your scenarios 😉
A Benevolent Jury
We want the festival jury to be made up of 4 people.
2 French-speaking people and 2 English-speaking people
And since no one can stop us from dreaming, we have already chosen who to send our first 4 invitations to.
We keep our fingers crossed while we wait for their answers